Neoclassical economists at core prefer macro-economic explanations which cash out at the micro-level. As I mentioned in a previous post some of the roots of the story Keynes tells about the actor known as leviathan can be traced back to Thomas Hobbes. But I'd like to throw in a religious dimension to all of this, which points even further back to Machiavelli and forward to Nietzsche.
Hobbes's construct was a macro actor, a personification of the state, onto which desires, intentions, actions are imposed. Collections of these actors interacting at the state level are the genesis of macro-economics. This is Keynes's root. No assumption is made about any evolution from individual actors to state actors. They're just different beasts. Understanding this allows him to question simplifying projections of homespun metaphors which make sense at the individual level but which might not work at all in the same way at the state level.

The rejection of the project of Keynes's aggregates based approach in favour of the micro-based approach is in a sense a rejection of the power of the state to write its own rule book, as the rule book is too detached from the individuals within it. It is a rejection of an elite tradition of technocratic statecraft, talking in riddles among themselves, preferring to see individuals as effaced details.
So much for the history of these ideas. That explains to me some of the mutual cultural hostility when you hear the modern day intellectual combatants face off in the media. Their positions may be deeply connected anyway. The science of emergence is still in its infancy. I can well imagine that the creative act of invention behind Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Hobbes, Keynes will not be the end of the story. I marvel at their inventiveness but suspect in time that strong complex connections will be found between the micro and the macro level across many social sciences. So perhaps the best way to bring Keynes together with Buchanan and Lucas is to think of them as providing joint inspiration to new generations of political economists as they recognise the gap - but also try to bridge it, with increasing levels of success - between the rulebooks of individuals and the rulebooks of the various institutions which they produce.