Let's talk money. A money rate describes some amount of money with respect to some other reference amount of money. In the vast majority of cases in fixed income finance, the reference amount of money represents either a starting amount or a closing amount. Usually the rate summarises some kind of financial promise you're involved in or it represents a post hoc analysis of some investment you made in a security or portfolio of securities.
These rates are also known as returns, yields, and interest. Return is a nice expression, conjuring up an image of the return of invested capital, with some extra capital too. Yield is quite an agricultural sounding variant - think of it as expressing the size of a crop with respect to the size of the field. Interest (interesse) was originally a late payment penalty built into the contracts for loans, which then morphed into contract structures where failure was built in. This allowed the contracts to side-step Christian usury laws. Muslims perform a similar piece of arithmetical/contractual engineering in their dealings with returns.

In the next posting I'll explain why I think it is good to categorise of the constituents of a rate as follows: inflation, the market, participant profiles, this deal. I think of this as a slow zoom camera, first of all, picking up macroeconomic effects, then market (and close-market) effects, then evaluating the states and preferences of the contract participants, before finally looking at the terms of the contract.
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