You get to hear about the islands only by virtue of being a member of one of a small number of exclusive members clubs which have high entry fees. These island owners employ a vast number of quasi-policemen on the mainland who vet and confiscate and pursue anyone who tries to wear one of their t-shirts without the appropriate documentation.
The t-shirt operates as some kind of ridiculous Veblen good. Well, assuming you take the total cost of the the transaction, and not the sticker price. The sticker itself is also sold with the t-shirt, at a cost of $100.
At a rough approximation, the cost of the t-shirt is neither here nor there, yet still you need to be a millionaire to pay for all of the ostensible transaction costs. In short the full price is nothing but the transaction costs. How would the story change economically if the seller had rolled up everything into the t-shirt cost, making all the so-called transaction costs seemingly 'free'. Well, not much. The members' clubs would probably not be so exclusive. There would be a lot more phony trips. But a simple 'show me the money' rule could cut most of that out.
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